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Location: Karachi , Islamabad , Lahore
Company: Systems Ltd

Figure out the overall idea of computational intricacy, including time-intricacy and space-intricacy.
Grasp the distinctions between an in-memory data set and an on-circle data set.
Comprehend, at an undeniable level, the diligence choices given by Redis:
Figure out the distinctions between Open-Source Redis and Redis Undertaking
Understanding for Redis Module
Redis Search: Full-text ordering and search.
Redis Blossom: Probabilistic information structures, including Sprout channels.
Redis Time Series: Time-series information, with help for down testing, total, and maintenance periods
Redis JSON: Select and control JSON components arranged in Redis.
Grasping Redis-cli use.
Comprehension of Information structures in Redis and their utilization cases
Geospatial Files
Investigating abilities on Redis server with Screen
Experience creating applications in dotnet with Redis
Systems Ltd